The Israeli Navy's combat scuba divers and marine commando forces are
currently undergoing training before receiving the fourth Dolphin-class
submarine, which is currently being tested.
The German-built
submarine was officially handed over following the acquisition and
development process led by the Israeli Ministry of Defence and the navy,
according to a well-placed source.
Initially, 10% more scuba
divers will be trained and the new soldiers will join the ranks of the
Israeli Navy train naval commando unit, Shayetet 13, for the fourth
submarine, following the completion of submarine tests.
Defence Minister Lieutenant General Ehud Barak said: "The submarine will
amplify the capabilities of the IDF and Israel's strength."
present, the navy has three Dolphin-class submarines, which were
delivered between 1999 and 2000 and manufactured by
Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW), a unit of ThyssenKrupp Marine
fourth and fifth submarines were ordered in 2005, with Germany
contributing a total of €333m, which is equal to about a third of the
submarine's cost.
Capable of conducting long-range security
missions along national borders, the small diesel-powered Dolphin
submarines are equipped with 10 torpedo tubes, can carry nuclear
warheads and are designed for coastal patrols.
Operations for the
fourth Dolphin submarine are expected in early 2013, while the fifth
vessel is scheduled to enter into service with the Israeli Navy in 2014,
according to industry sources.
The new class of submarines are expected to replace the ageing Gal-class submarines, which entered service in 1977.
* Notícia publicada a Naval Tecnology. L'ampliació de les unitats especials de submarinistes de les IDF, juntament amb l'ampliació de la flota de submarins Dolphin, costata la voluntat de Tel Aviv de poder conduïr operacions de comando allà on sigui necessari. Els hi desitgem molta sort.
Això es lo que ens fería falta a les forces armades de la Catalunya independent.
ResponEliminaUnes bones unitats de commandos i forces especials, per donar un bon cop de falç, perdò, cop de mà.
Més enllà del tipus d'unitats, quan el poble i les forces armades ( que a Israel és el mateix), saben que lluïten per l'existència... tens una força que no es planteja la rendició sota cap concepte. Allà no els fa falta el futbol per saber què és l'èpica, és una forma de vida.