A combined-fleet group of Russian Navy ships in the Mediterranean Seawill split into two groups following completion of its duties, Russia's Defense Ministry said on Friday.
"On August 17, the combined fleet group of the Russian Navy, having successfully completed a range of duties in the central region of the Mediterranean, will arrive in the Alboran region of the sea [its most western part] where it plans to re-store," a Navy spokesman said.
The group consists of the large amphibious landing ships Alexander Ostrovsky, Georgy Pobedonosets, and Kondopoga, and also the Baltic Fleet frigates Yaroslav Mudry and Neustrashimy.
The navy said the three landing ships will then leave for the Atlantic, where they will take part in more exercises. The second group of frigates will remain in the Mediterranean and undertake exercises related to prevension of illegal arms trafficking and anti-terrorism.
* Notícia publicada a RIA Novosti. Com anem veient darrerament, els exercicis navals russos s'intensifiquen. No es tracta només d'ensenyar "múscul", sinó d'una capacitació seriosa de les dotacions augmentant el temps que passen embarcades.
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