The following post is by Rear Adm. Thomas Rowden, the director for the Navy’s Surface Warfare Division.
Since I took over as Director, Surface Warfare Division, I have stressed the value we bring to the Navy and to the Naval and Joint war fight. From space to the seabed, we are fully engaged in deterring our enemies while reassuring our friends and allies… and make no mistake, we are the only warfighting arm of any of the services that operates heavily and extensively in the subsurface, surface, air and space domains simultaneously.
In order to maximize that capability, I believe we need to set our course and work together to achieve three major priorities:
First, we absolutely must ensure the ships in the water today work the way they were designed and that their systems are interoperable. We will fix the systems that do not work properly and maintain the ones that do. This will ensure that our warfighters have systems that interact and share information in real-time, and will provide our commanders with the clearest—and most accurate—tactical picture to use when making critical decisions. In order to get to the fleet of tomorrow, we need to maintain and modernize our ships appropriately. We need to ask, “How much should it cost,” and get the funding right. In our current fiscal environment, we will set the standard for the Navy in both cost and performance and instill discipline through the acquisition process.
Secondly, we must aggressively bring LCS into the Fleet. With each successive ship, the shipbuilding
process has become more efficient and we are achieving better results at lower cost. USS Independence (LCS 2)recently pulled into her homeport in San Diego after completing a series of successful Mine Warfare Mission Module tests off the East Coast, and Fort Worth (LCS 3) passed her acceptance trials with flying colors. The President of the Board of Inspection and Survey commented that LCS 3 had the most complete acceptance trials held to date, and the Navy formally accepted Fort Worth on June 6, 2012.
Our third priority is to build for the Navy’s future surface warfighting fleet. In addition to the aforementioned LCS, we recently accepted our newest Destroyer into the Fleet. After a successful acceptance trial, USS Michael Murphy (DDG 112) joins our Fleet as the 62nd ship of the Arleigh Burke class. Built by the proud men and women of General Dynamics and Bath Iron Works, Michael Murphy embodies the spirit and heroism of her namesake, Medal of Honor recipient Lt. Michael Patrick Murphy. I am confident that the Sailors in Michael Murphywill live up to her motto, “LEAD THE FIGHT.” I am also excited about the production progress of Zumwalt (DDG 1000), a marvel in design and technological development. During my recent visits to Raytheon in Rhode Island and Bath Iron Works in Maine, I was impressed with how closely the two facilities are working together to ensure the success of this incredible warship. At 65 percent complete, it is a sight to see! Zumwalt will set the tone for the next two ships, and our Navy will reap the benefits of these three for decades.
I have never been more excited about the future of the Surface Warfare community. While the fiscal environment may seem uncertain, I see it as an opportunity, empowering us to find and deliver innovative solutions that otherwise might not materialize. There will always be challenges, but we will work to avoid distraction and have honest and frank conversations about how to best make our priorities a continuing reality. I am proud of the great work all of you are doing to ensure our Navy and especially our ships remain the finest fighting force in the world. You are making a difference every day, around the world. Keep up the great work and sail safely.
* Article publicat al blog oficial de la US Navy. Tot i no aportar cap informació nova, sempre és interessant llegir les opinions dels alts comandaments de la US Navy.
No acabo d'entendre els el.logis cap a una classe, la dels "destroyers" de la classe "Zumwalt", que tinc entès que el programa no tindrá continuitat.
ResponEliminaEls vaixells estan realment MOLT bé. Les seves prestacions són impressionants, no obstant, el cost és prohibitiu. El mateix que va passar amb els submarins de classe Seawolf. No es pretén substituir els Arleigh Burke amb els Zumwalt. Segons el meu punt de vista, seran un excel·lent plataforma de foc de suport en operacions amfíbies. Especialment el zones on el suport aeri pot ser limitat a causa de sistemes anti-aeris mòbils o fins i tot MANPADS.