dimecres, 23 de juliol del 2014

El Port de Tarragona s'amplia amb 36 hectàrees guanyades al mar*

El port de Tarragona guanya 36 hectàrees al mar, cosa que li permet ampliar la seva capacitat, amb més espai d'atracament de vaixells. Aquesta ampliació del Moll de la Química permetrà moure 4 milions de tones de productes químics més cada any.
L'ampliació forma part d'una estratègia per fer més competitiu el clúster creat per la indústria química, el port i altres institucions tarragonines. Teresa Pallarès, la directora de l'Associació Empresarial Química de Tarragona, explica que el 60% del trànsit del port és de material químic, i per tant "han de donar resposta a les demandes d'aquest sector".
Per la seva banda, el president del port de Tarragona, Josep Andreu, recorda que les obres d'ampliació van començar el 2010 i que el cost ha estat repartit entre les administracions (76 milions i mig d'euros) i el mateix port (40 milions). Les empreses logístiques que s'instal·lin en aquest nou espai es veuran beneficiades per la nova llei de ports, que allarga les concessions fins a 50 anys.
* Notícia publicada al web del canal 3/24. A l'espera que el Port de Tarragona en doni més informació publiquem aquesta notícia.


En el marc de l'estratègia d'aposta per augmentar la seguretat en la zona portuària, l'Autoritat Portuària de Tarragona (APT) posa en marxa un nou servei amb la integració de l'embarcació 'Llampuga U'. L'objectiu que es persegueix és augmentar i complementar el servei de vigilància i seguretat de la zona de servei del Port de Tarragona, des de la làmina d'aigua; així com incrementar els nivells de prevenció i resposta davant de qualsevol accident d'aquest àmbit.

Aquest matí s'ha dut a terme el bateig de l'embarcació 'Llampuga U', apadrinada per l'Administradora de Duanes de Tarragona, Estela Vidal. L'acte ha comptat amb la presència del president del Port de Tarragona, Josep Andreu; l'inspector de la Capitania Marítima, José Manuel Robledano; el director de Seguretat Integral del Port, Josep Lluís Díez; i l'indendent en cap de la Policia Portuària, Joan Bergadà.

La integració de 'Llampuga U' esdevé un important avanç des de el punt de vista de la protecció portuària. El servei de l'embarcació s'implanta de manera totalment transversal per tal de donar resposta a les possibles demandes que des d'altres departaments de l'APT com medi ambient, operacions, entre d'altres.

L'embarcació passa a formar part del departament de Seguretat Integral del Port de Tarragona, i dirigit a convertir-se en un important recurs que, de forma coordinada i a traves de protocols de col·laboració, està a disposició d'altres administracions que intervenen al Port de Tarragona.
Salt qualitatiu en el projecte de professionalització del cos de la Policia Portuària
La posada en marxa d'aquest servei representa un gran salt qualitatiu pel que fa a l'orientació professional del cos de policia del Port de Tarragona. Fa uns 3 anys que l'Autoritat Portuària de Tarragona està immersa en un projecte de professionalització del Cos de la Policia Portuària per a l'assoliment ple de les competències en seguretat i protecció com a policia especial, encomanades per la Llei de Ports i el Conveni Internacional de Protecció de Vaixells i Instal·lacions Portuàries

* Notícia publicada al web del Port de Tarragona. Encara que la notícia ja sigui de fa un parell de mesos, celebrem que el Port de Tarragona vetlli per la seguretat de les instal·lacions.

France to deliver Mistral-class vessels to Russia despite protests from key allies*

France will deliver Mistral-class aircraft carriers to Russia as planned, despite objections from key allies, the UK and US, over Moscow's reported involvement in the Ukrainian crisis, President Francois Hollande has said.
Speaking to reporters, Hollande was quoted as saying: "The Russians have paid. Should we repay €1.1bn if the boat was not delivered to the purchaser?
"For the time being, a level of sanctions has not been decided that would prevent this delivery.
"The contract was signed in 2011, the boat is almost finished and should be delivered in October."
The latest move comes in the midst of heavy criticism from the US State Department and UK Prime Minister David Cameron, who urged France to cancel the deal.
Russia has been criticised for allegedly supplying anti-aircraft systems to rebels in eastern Ukraine. Separatists allegedly shot down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 last week, killing 298 people.
According to US State Department deputy spokesperson Marie Harf, the delivery of Mistral warships to Russia would be 'completely inappropriate'.
"The Russians have paid. Should we repay €1.1bn if the boat was not delivered to the purchaser?"
In June 2011, Russia and France signed a $1.52bn deal for two Mistral-class vessels, which are being built at the DCNS shipyard in Saint-Nazaire, France.
The Russian Navy is set to receive the first ship Vladivostok on 1 November, while Sevastopol, the second vessel, is expected to be floated out in October.
As part of an intergovernmental pact, Russia will also acquire two more Mistral-class ships, which will be constructed in Russia and France.
The 199m-long, 22,000t Mistral-class ships include MRR-3D NG surveillance radar and a high-performance communications suite for humanitarian operations and a range of other missions.
With a potential to cruise at a maximum speed of 19k, they are equipped with two Breda Mauser 30mm naval guns and four 12.7mm machine guns, in addition to two MBDA France Simbad launchers for the Mistral air-defence missile.

* Notícia publicada a Naval Technology.  Continua el serial franco-rus respecte a la venda del portahelicòpters de classe Mistral...

dijous, 17 de juliol del 2014

Nova Societat d'Estudis Militars

Recomanem la consulta del bloc de la Societat d'Estudis Militars, entitat continuadora de la tasca de la Sectorial de Defensa de l'ANC, però ja fora d'aquesta entitat. Celebrem que al Principat hi hagi cada cop més veus amb sentit d'Estat, capaces de parlar sobre defensa desacomplexadament, lluny del "ara no toca". Si no és ara, quan tocarà?

Redacció Blau Naval

dimecres, 16 de juliol del 2014

Navy ship ordered back to Canada after misconduct by sailors*

The head of the Royal Canadian Navy has taken the rare step of ordering one of its ships to return from an international exercise because of misconduct by its sailors.
Vice Admiral Mark Norman issued the message Monday, citing three incidents involving the crew of HMCS Whitehorse that took place during Exercise RIMPAC 2014.
The message, leaked to the Ottawa Citizen, also noted that Norman was appointing a senior officer to look at what is behind recent incidents involving the breakdown of professional and personal conduct in the navy.
RIMPAC is the world’s largest multinational naval exercise and takes place mainly in Hawaii. But some aspects of the exercise are conducted off the coast of California and on July 1, HMCS Whitehorse was docked in San Diego.
Whitehorse arrived early Monday at its home port of CFB Esquimalt, B.C., navy officials confirmed Monday night.
Norman didn’t provide details about the incidents in question.
Navy officials, however, told the Citizen that two occurred on board the ship. The other involved the arrest of a Canadian sailor by U.S. police.
In his message, Norman said he recently reflected with tremendous satisfaction about the many recent accomplishments of navy personnel, both at home and abroad.
“And so, it is with great disappointment that I must now signal why I took the difficult decision to return HMCS Whitehorse to Esquimalt from Exercise RIMPAC 2014, following three incidents of personal misconduct ashore,” he wrote in the navy-wide message to sailors. “While the actions of a few sailors in Whitehorse was the trigger for my decision, I recalled her home because I am troubled that across the RCN a small number of our personnel have fallen short of the timeless expectations of naval service and have failed in their roles as ambassadors of their navy and country — no matter where they serve.”
Norman said in his message he is satisfied that when incidents of personal misconduct occur, they are addressed by individual commanders quickly, firmly and fairly.
But he wrote that when such incidents are considered collectively, they raise a deeper concern. Norman noted that such incidents could distract the navy from operational excellence and put the health and safety of individuals at risk.
Because of that, Norman said he is appointing a senior officer to conduct a review of “policies and procedures that underpin the hands-on leadership of our personnel.”
That reviewing officer will “ensure that we are doing everything we can, and should, to provide clear expectations and direction for all personnel as it relates to professional conduct and responsibility, both on and off duty,” he added.
Norman noted that the actions of sailors reflect not only on themselves but as well on the navy and Canada.
Norman will receive the preliminary findings from the review in September.
He noted that the vast majority of sailors are “exemplary ambassadors” for Canada but the navy must go further in reinforcing what is and is not acceptable conduct.
There have been other high-profile incidents of misconduct recently. In May a Royal Canadian Navy officer was given a severe reprimand and a $5,000 fine for deserting his post on a supply vessel after alleging he faced harassment and ridicule.
Lieut. Derek de Jong told his court martial that prior to deserting on Sept. 17, 2012, he was subjected to behaviour that at one point involved a female colleague urinating in his cabin. HMCS Preserver was docked at Key West, Fla., when he left the ship.
The navy later said it would investigate the urination incident.
Canada is contributing a frigate, submarine, aircraft and maritime coastal defence vessels to the RIMPAC 2014 exercise, which ends in August. HMCS Whitehorse is a maritime coast defence vessel.
Twenty-two nations, 49 surface ships, six submarines, more than 200 aircraft and 25,000 personnel are participating in RIMPAC, according to the U.S. Navy.

* Notícia publicada a Ottawa Citizen. El fet que el Canadà faci tornar una de les seves naus per un cas d'indisciplina, lluny de preocupar-nos, és una bona mostra de que la marina d'aquell país es preocupa molt del seu personal. Qui mínimament conegui la RCN, no se'n estranyarà. Aplaudim la brevetat i la discreció amb que l'almirallat canadenc condueix aquest afer.

dissabte, 12 de juliol del 2014

Kolkata handed over to Navy*

The INS Kolkata, lead ship in the Kolkata-class stealth destroyers, was handed over to the Indian Navy on Thursday after extensive sea trials and tests, 11 years after the construction began in 2003 at the Mazgaon Docks Limited (MDL). The ships are the second group of three indigenously built stealth warships after the Shivalik-class boats, while the official commissioning ceremony is expected to take place in a month’s time.
The same ship had seen naval engineer Commander Kuntal Wadhwa lose his life after a prolonged exposure to CO2 gas on March 6, suspected to be caused by a malfunctioning fire fighting system. “The ship has finished construction with all user acceptance trials, sea trials and testing of the weapons systems completed. The ship will still be called Yard 701 but designated the INS Kolkata after the commissioning ceremony,” said Rear Admiral (retired) R.K. Shrawat, MDL’s chief managing director.
Most importantly, the naval version of the Brahmos cruise missile was also fired from the ship off the coast of Karwar about a month ago, to prove the boat’s and weapon handling system. “The purpose was to test the ship’s capability to withstand the missile, but not the missile itself,” said an MDL source. The main feature of the ship, however, according to naval officers, is the ‘multi-function radar’, the first of its kind in the country. “It is more in tune with modern naval warfare technologies than the stealth feature,” said an officer.
The Indian Navy can come back with technical complaints or suggesting modifications by availing the one-year guarantee period in the next 12 months, in the event of which Form D448 would be invoked. Sources, however, said that all technical issues were raised by the IN team, liaisoning with the MDL, during the construction phase itself.
Meanwhile, two other sister ships of the class, INS Kochi and INS Chennai are undergoing construction with the handing over to the IN slated to be in late 2014 and mid-2015 respectively.

* Notícia publicada a The Asian Age. Finalment la primera unitat de la classe Kolkata entrarà en servei. Serà interessant veure con encaixen en la nova doctrina naval de l'Índia: seran la peça central o un conplement dels nous portaavions? No és una qüestió menor.

divendres, 11 de juliol del 2014

New Zealand Navy to replace fuel tanker Endeavour*

The New Zealand Government has approved the purchase of a new navy tanker, which will enable the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) to increase the scope of its operations in the South Pacific.
The new tanker is expected to replace the ageing naval tanker HMNZS Endeavour, upon the completion of its anticipated service life in 2018.
New Zealand Defence Minister Jonathan Coleman said that to operate effectively, the NZDF needs to provide fuel and logistical support to its deployed ships, helicopters and vehicles.
"The new tanker is likely to improve the NZDF's potential to support and sustain navy, army and air force operations at home and abroad."
"This capability is crucial, given New Zealand's vast maritime area and our security and disaster relief responsibilities in the South Pacific," Coleman said.
"Without it, NZDF operations would be limited in duration or dependent on our partners."
The new vessel is capable of storing a large amount of fuel, including aviation fuel for navy and air force helicopters, store supplies and ammunition. It can also be used in very cold conditions.
In addition to being a significant enhancement in capability, the new tanker is likely to improve the NZDF's potential to support and sustain navy, army and air force operations at home and abroad.
"This capability is needed as the NZDF has more ships which can embark new helicopters, and it is crucial that the tanker can support the joint task force, as set out in the 2010 defence white paper," Coleman added.
"Possible winterisation features will also be considered, which could enable the tanker to resupply bases in Antarctica."
The issue of request for tender could be submitted by early next year, with a final recommendation to the government in mid-2016.

* Notícia publicada a Naval Technology. Nova Zelanda ha demostrat altre cop que, malgrat la seva situació remota i una demografia molt petita no oblida les seves obligacions i tots aquells instruments que la fan ser independent.

Three Nuclear Subs Spotted Near PLA Navy's Hainan Base*

The three Type 094 Jin-class ballistic missile submarines stationed at Yulin naval base of Hainan island. (Internet photo)

The People's Liberation Army Navy has deployed three nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines to its South Sea Fleet base on the southern island province of Hainan, according to the Manila-based InterAksyon news website in a report published July 8.

The Chinese navy displayed a photo on the internet which suggested that three Type 094 Jin-class ballistic missile submarines are currently stationed at the Yulin naval base in Hainan, according to the report. The paper surmised that the three submarines are there to enhance the power projection of the Chinese navy in any potential conflict against Vietnam or the Philippines in the South China Sea.

This may indicate the launch of regular sea patrols by Chinese missile submarines in the South China Sea from Hainan, according to the Washington Free Beacon. Samuel Locklear, US Pacific Command chief, told the website China's submarine force is large and very capable. Locklear told the US House Armed Services Committee this March that the PLA Navy will likely have a credible sea-based nuclear deterrent by the end of 2014.

China also has two Type 056 Jiangdao-class guided missile corvettes stationed in Hainan. The vessels, equipped with surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missiles, as well as a 76mm main gun and two 30mm cannon will begin to patrol the disputed waters as well, posing a threat to the operations of the Vietnamese and Philippine navies in waters near the disputed Spratly Islands.

* Notícia publicada a Want China Times. L'increment quantitatiu i qualitatiu dels efectius navals xinesos a Hainan no fa sinó confirmar la importància estratègica d'aquella illa.

dijous, 10 de juliol del 2014

Israel Navy Prevents Infiltration of Hamas Terrorists*

* Vídeo publicat al canal de les IDF. Imatges dures, tot i que a ningú se li pot oblidar què passa quan els terroristes de Hamas no poden ser aturats.

dimecres, 9 de juliol del 2014

Australia and Japan to Ink Submarine Deal*

Prime Ministers Shinzo Abe and Tony Abbott will sign an agreement to open up cooperation on producing submarines.
As Clint noted earlier today, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is making the rounds throughout Oceania this week.
Abe’s stopover in Australia is expected to be particularly significant for many reasons that Clint discussed. However, the security aspects of the Abe’s Australia visit deserve special attention.
In particular, on Tuesday Abe and Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott are expected to sign an agreement that will allow the two countries to cooperate on the production of submarines. According to Australian news sources, under the agreement “Japanese-designed submarines could be built under license in Adelaide or even straight off the shelf from Japan.”
As The Diplomat has covered for some time, Australia has long been exploring the best options for its next generation submarines. After ruling out a nuclear-powered submarine, in May 2012 the then-Labor Party government announced four possible options:
  • An existing off-the-shelf foreign design.
  • A modified off-the-shelf foreign design
  • An evolved Collins-class design
  • Development of a completely new submarine design in Australia
Last year, however, in a move that saw widespread criticism, the Australian government ruled out the first two options.
The fact that the Abbott government is now exploring cooperation with Japan therefore represents a change in policy.
There were signs that this was coming. Most notably, during a trip to Japan last month, Australian Defense Minister David Johnston became the first non-Japanese minister to tour one of the Maritime Self-Defense Forces (MSDF) stealthy, diesel powered Soryu-class submarines.
“Australia is looking to strengthen our defense cooperation with Japan by examining ways to enhance our cooperation in the field of defense science and technology,” a spokesperson for Defense Minister Johnston said at the time. Johnston himself reportedly called the Soryu-class submarines the best conventional submarines in the world.
At the same time, noting Australia’s engagement with the U.S. and European countries on submarine technology, Johnston noted, “We are casting a wide net to get the best chance of acquiring a really decent submarine for Australia that will last for decades.”
Still, the Soryu-class subs offer many advantages to Australia. At 84 meters and 4,200 tons (submerged), they are the largest non-nuclear conventional submarines in the world. They are also equipped with a unique Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) system that allows them to stay submerged indefinitely, according to Australian news reports. This would be advantageous to a country like Australia that has a wide area of sea to cover.
The agreement to be signed this week will focus on marine hydrodynamics with the possibility of that joint venture leading to a more substantial agreement. Australia has pledged to spend A$40 billion ($37 billion) to replace its current fleet of Collins-class submarines. A final decision on what type of submarine to pursue is expected to be made early next year.

* Notícia publicada a The Diplomat. La cooperació entre el Japó i Austràlia, no cal dir-ho, té implicacions importants de cara a l'equilibri de forces al Pacífic. En el cas dels submarins, amdúes nacions tenen molt bona reputació.

dilluns, 7 de juliol del 2014

Small patrol boat fleet is Taiwan’s best bet: study

Taiwan needs to develop its own anti-access and area-denial forces, a study presented to the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission by US Naval War College associate professor William Murray says.
The study says that with China’s massive military expansion, the Republic of China (ROC) Air Force and much of the ROC Navy are “likely no longer survivable” during wartime.
“Yet Taipei needs the capacity to ride out bombardment, withstand a blockade and to repel an invading amphibious fleet,” Murray says.
Among his major proposals is that Taiwan consider the example of Iran’s Peykaap-class missile patrol craft. The vessels are about 18m long, displace about 13.5 tonnes and can achieve speeds of 52 knots (96kph).
“These or similar vessels’ small size makes them easier and cheaper to build, so Taiwan could produce large numbers of them indigenously,” the study says.
“Small size would also permit the wartime use of ports of all sizes, making basing and logistics less vulnerable during combat,” it says.
Taiwan could easily disperse and hide these lethal craft — armed with anti-ship cruise missiles — making them much less susceptible to Chinese short-range ballistic missiles, it adds.
“Such vessels could be sent on their attack missions individually or in groups with only rudimentary location data, conduct extended searches with their own radar, develop final targeting data autonomously, deliver lethal ordinance from beyond effective counter-fire range and escape at high speed to reload,” Murray says.
The fast attack craft could extend lethal combat power for tens of kilometers from Taiwan and make those waters too dangerous for intruding Chinese warships, especially amphibious ships preparing to conduct an invasion, he says.
Taiwan should field large numbers of modern, mobile, short-range surface-to-air missiles and use its Patriot missiles for air defense, instead of missile defense, Murray says.
This would force hostile aircraft to fly above the effective missile altitude — about 6km — thus reducing attacking pilots’ ability to positively identify and accurately attack targets, especially those that are mobile.
The study concluded that submarines are “probably not really affordable” to Taiwan and would have limited use in the case of a Chinese attack.
Rather, Taiwan needs large numbers of small, lethal, highly mobile weapons systems, such as truck-mounted coastal-defense cruise missiles, short-range vehicle-mounted surface-to-air missiles, mobile multiple-rocket launchers, attack helicopters, sea mines and small, fast missile-patrol craft firing short-ranged cruise missiles — all of which could hide in hardened bunkers when not in use, he says.
“Such survivable forces are ideal for a vicious series of short-range engagements that would result in the destruction or greatly-reduced efficacy of China’s attack aircraft and surface combatants, including especially Beijing’s amphibious assault ships,” the study says.
Murray says the US Congress should encourage Taiwan to develop or buy small, mobile, lethal weapons systems and that the US discourage Taiwan from further development of offensive weapons systems, such as land-attack cruise missiles.
He also says the US Congress should encourage Taipei to spend no less than 3 percent of its GDP on defense.
Murray’s study was first presented at a conference organized by the School of Oriental and African Studies.

* Notícia publicada al Taipei Times. Interessantíssima reflexió sobre com es podria conduïr la defensa de Taiwan en cas d'assalt xinès.

South Korean Navy Launches Fifth class-214 Submarine*

The South Korean Navy has launched its fifth class-214 submarine, ROKS Yun Bong-gil, at the Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) shipyard in Ulsan, Seoul.
Named after Korean independence activist Yun Bong-gil, the submarine is expected to boost the nation's underwater warfare capabilities.
Powered by a diesel-electric air independent propulsion (AIP) system, the submarine is capable of cruising at a maximum speed of 20k with a crew of 40.
The high-yield steel used to build the vessel is designed to enable it to dive up to 400m deep and undertake fuel cell powered underwater missions for two weeks without emerging.
"The submarine is capable of cruising at a maximum speed of 20k with a crew of 40."
The submarine has a displacement capacity of 1,800t, is equipped with guided missiles, torpedoes and mines, and has an automatic simultaneous target tracking system and a torpedo guidance and detection system.
It is scheduled for delivery to the Korean Navy in 2015, upon completion of seaborne operational exercises.
HHI has already delivered South Korea's first, second and third class-214 submarines, and is also constructing the navy's seventh and ninth submarines of the same class.
Currently, the navy operates the 1,200t 209-class submarines, which have been commissioned since the early 1990s. There are plans to purchase five more 214-class submarines by 2018.

* Notícia publicada a Naval Technology. La Marina de la República de Corea segueix apostant per "game-changers" davant l'important creixement naval xinès.


dimarts, 1 de juliol del 2014

Dimensionament de les Forces de Defensa de Catalunya I: la Força Naval*

La Comissió Sectorial de Defensa de l'Assemblea Nacional Catalana acaba de publicar un document on es dimensiona la Força Naval de les futures Forces Navals de Catalunya. El document es pot descarregar clicant aquí. Animem a l'ANC a seguir treballant amb sentit d'estat.